RFID Windshield Tag

RFID Windshield Tag Drives Cashless Parking System

Parking technology has finally caught up to our on-the-go culture: pay without paying attention. Researchers have built a device that does for parking lots what radio transponders do for highway tolls. You park, it keeps track. The near field communications (NFC) system, consists of RFID Windshield Tag, parking lot transceivers that read tags, and a central…

RFID Asset Management

Why Use An RFID Asset Management System?

RFID technology eliminates the myriad issues that come with manual container tracking. Indexing check-in/check-out by hand is error-prone – miss (or misplace) a single asset, and it’s likely gone forever – at great expense to the manufacturer. Barcode-based tracking systems are only slightly better; the manual element (and its potential for error) still remains, resulting…