Персонализированные метки Windshiled

Customised Windshiled Label HomeProductsAccess & SecurityWindshield TagCustomised Windshiled Label Customised windshiled label for event parking offer a more accurate and secure way to allow access into various events. Product Description Custmized Windshield Tag utilizes passive technology and is encapsulated between thin layers of polypropylene adding human readable printing to one side and a windshield-compatible adhesive

Метка Windshiled непередаваемыми автомобилей

Non-Transferable Car Windshiled Label HomeProductsAccess & SecurityWindshield TagNon-Transferable Car Windshiled Label In order to remove the copy from a label, можно было бы уничтожить метку windshiled непередаваемое автомобиль, сам. Product Description Non-transferable car windshiled label take advantage of sub-surface printing where in the printed media has a protective covering. Controlling vehicle access to

RFID метки фар автомобиля

RFID Vehicle Headlight Label HomeProductsAccess & SecurityWindshield TagVehicle Headlight Label RFID Vehicle Headlight Label offer a more accurate and secure way to allow access into various locations like a gated community, Компания/Корпоративная обеспеченных стоянка или даже автомойка. Product Description RFID Vehicle Headlight Label utilize passive technology and are either encased in a hardshell