Ten Novel NFC Applications

1. NFC nails Japanese toy manufacturer Takara Tommy has introduced a fake nail with LED lights. After touching a nearby smartphone, the NFC element in the fake nail will activate the LED lights to make the nail light up. The product also comes with an android app that allows users to configure when fake nails…

Different Kinds of Textile Laundry Tag and Solutions

RFIDHY’s woven laundry tag, with its excellent performance, has become the most popular laundry tag; in addition to the conventional style, there are also hot melt adhesive style, perforated style, etc., to meet the needs of customers in different use environments. At present, hotels, hospitals, baths and professional washing companies are faced with thousands of…

Application of Cold chain RFID TAG in Railway

As we all know, railway transportation is suitable for the transportation of long-distance and large quantities of goods, and the refrigerated food production and marketing places are far away, which provides favorable external conditions for the development of cold chain logistics. However, from the current situation, China’s railway refrigerated transport volume is relatively small, accounting…