No.1 | What is RFID?

Introduction: We use RFID Card very commonly now, but do you know the details of this technology? The basis of RFID technology is to use electromagnetic energy,  an energy exists in nature, to realize AIDC.

Adhesives for RFID Bonding

What is RFID Bonding? RFID Bonding refers to either the bonding of RFID tags to items or bonding the chip to the tag. RFID = Radio frequency identification (usually in the form of RFID tags). These consist of a microchip and antenna which give off a frequency which can be detected by a reader. Use…

Another 8 Uses of RFID

Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) is pretty amazing. Although the location-tracking tags that integrate with inventory software have been around for decades, new applications continue to appear as the technology becomes more affordable. E-commerce growth and the Internet of Things (IoT) have only intensified the demand to digitize and track real-world objects. Among the unexpected and innovative past uses of RFID have been robbery-proof…