What is RFID and How Does RFID Work?

What is RFID? RFID stands for Radio-Frequency Identification and refers to the use of radio waves to capture electronically stored information on a RFID card or tag. Who invented RFID? Charles Walton, Born in 1921 is best known as the first patent holder for the RFID (radio frequency identification) device. Many individuals contributed to the invention of…

Adhesives for RFID Bonding

What is RFID Bonding? RFID Bonding refers to either the bonding of RFID tags to items or bonding the chip to the tag.  RFID = Radio frequency identification (usually in the form of RFID tags). These consist of a microchip and antenna which give off a frequency which can be detected by a reader. Use…

RFID Glass Tags Produced by RFIDHY

This Short video shows the detail procedures to manufacture RFID Glass Tags The RFIDHY Contactless Glass Tag help manage and safeguard animals. Standard Glass Tag units are enclosed in biocompatible glass, making them harmless to animals. The glass shell is resistant to most chemicals and protects the transponder unimpeachably from humidity and other influencing factors.…

How is a Day with NFC Technology?

This video Shows you how NFC Technology can apply in our daily life. To really see how near field communication is simplifying so much of our busy lives, let’s follow businessman Stan throughout a typical day working as a real estate agent. Stan can use near field communication to help cut down on unnecessary hassles…

rfid tag

Why Use RFID Label in Warehouse management, but not Barcode?

A vivid Video show to explain why Smart RFID Label Tag are more frequently used in Bulk Storage other than Bar-code Label In warehouses, distribution centers, and facilities that have deployed automated inventory management technology, barcode labels have become standard operating procedures. But RFID has become  a bigger part of the inventory management equation, especially…